Shallow Soil Blending for Destroying COCs

2.0 PDHs 

During 2023, nearly 100 single-family DOD Base Housing units, built during the 1940s era, were slated to be replaced at a military reservation. However, during the environmental assessment, it was discovered that 89 of the home sites were found to be impacted (in excess of closure MCLs), with the toxic, carcinogenic termiticides – Chlordane and Heptachlor.
Based upon its history to in-situ abiotically convert organochloride pesticides to non-toxic carbon dioxide and chloride ion, Cool-Ox®️ was selected as the remedial technology of choice. This project, jointly conceived and conducted by WSP and DeepEarth Technologies (DTI), successfully treated and met closure criteria for all 89 housing units as well as approximately 29,460 cubic yards of previously excavated impacted soil.
The low bid for excavation and off-site disposal accrued to a whopping $24 million. Total invoiced amounts for on-site in-situ soil blending, were $5.6 million (a savings of 77%).



Bill Lundy, Sr., Senior Vice President, DeepEarth Technologies
Manny Higa, GIT, Consultant, Geologist, WSP 
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Bill Lundy is a native of Northern Minnesota where he attended Bemidji State University earning a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. After completing graduate work, Lundy was employed by Shell Chemical Company specializing in the new applications of their products including epoxy resins, polymer derivatives, surfactants and hydrogen peroxide. At Shell, Lundy authored patents teaching the use of hydrogen peroxide to eliminate hydrogen sulfide, a contaminant found natural gas and oil, as well as sewage and potable water. He was also instrumental in the development of a group of specialty biodegradable surfactants (Neodols®️) that were soluble in both oil and water. These products became key components in tertiary recovery of crude oil and deep well drilling.  

Mr. Lundy was instrumental in the design and construction of a mass-burn solid waste/wood waste incinerator serving seven rural counties in Northern Minnesota. Lundy is currently a principal of DeepEarth Technologies, Inc., and  he was most recently awarded patents teaching the controlled oxidation of fuel hydrocarbon contaminants utilizing hydrogen peroxide derived in-situ from the hydrolysis of solid peroxygens, the emulsification of coal tar and heavy crude oils and the abiotic dehalogenation of organohalides.
Contact: (708) 396-0100 // [email protected]
Manny Higa is a Project Manager and Consultant, Geologist with WSP , USA Inc. and is part of the Earth and Environment Site Investigation and Remediation team based out of Austin, TX. Manny attended the University of Texas Arlington, where he received a BS in Geology, an MS in Earth and Environmental Science, and is in the process of completing his dissertation to earn a PhD in Geochemistry. At WSP, Mr. Higa specializes in managing large scale projects involving contaminated near-surface soils for commercial clients.
Contact: [email protected]