Shallow Soil Blending for Destroying COCs
2.0 PDHsÂ
During 2023, nearly 100 single-family DOD Base Housing units, built during the 1940s era, were slated to be replaced at a military reservation. However, during the environmental assessment, it was discovered that 89 of the home sites were found to be impacted (in excess of closure MCLs), with the toxic, carcinogenic termiticides – Chlordane and Heptachlor.
Based upon its history to in-situ abiotically convert organochloride pesticides to non-toxic carbon dioxide and chloride ion, Cool-Ox®️ was selected as the remedial technology of choice. This project, jointly conceived and conducted by WSP and DeepEarth Technologies (DTI), successfully treated and met closure criteria for all 89 housing units as well as approximately 29,460 cubic yards of previously excavated impacted soil.
The low bid for excavation and off-site disposal accrued to a whopping $24 million. Total invoiced amounts for on-site in-situ soil blending, were $5.6 million (a savings of 77%).
Bill Lundy, Sr., Senior Vice President, DeepEarth Technologies
Manny Higa, GIT, Consultant, Geologist, WSPÂ