How to Treat Challenging Wastewater Streams
2.0 PDHs
The wastewater market continues to evolve and change over the years, and on this EnviroClass you will learn from two of the biggest companies in the industry. United Rentals is a $8B company that has designing filtration applications for years, and William (Bill) Guite focuses on identifying and supporting those projects as an engineer. Höganäs is a 200-year old company with offices across the globe and they are the largest producers of powdered metals in the world. Alex Korff is a Product Development Engineer and has co-authored multiple EPA reports and sampling methods.
William Guite & Alex Korff

William Guite is an experienced Professional Engineer, with a demonstrated history of working in the environmental services industry. His primary expertise are in Petroleum and solvent remediation, Water Treatment, Chemical Sales and Environmental Services. Over his 21-year career, he has focused on business development in combination with his technical background in Chemical Engineering.
As the Filtration Application Engineer in the Northeast District for United Rentals Fluid Solutions (URFS), William’s primary focus is identifying and supporting water filtration projects that can benefit from their robust catalogue of filtration rental equipment.
Contact: [email protected] // 207.205.0114
Alex Korff is a Professional Engineer and the Business Development Manager for Eijkelkamp North America (ENA). Alex is responsible for the Groundwater and Soil Division Portfolio supplied and manufactured by Eijkelkamp.
Before starting with ENA, Alex was involved with product development and technical sales for Höganäs Environment Solutions, LLC (HES). He has extensive experience with remedial projects and water treatment systems. Alex spent several years as a researcher concentrated on chemical/biological warfare agent, pesticides, and toxic industrial compound (TIC) remediation at the EPA facility in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is the co-author on multiple EPA reports, sampling methods, and remediation investigations. Mr. Korff earned a B.S. and M.S in Environmental Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. His thesis was on the treatability of chlorinated solvents with an enriched co-metabolic sludge and dehalococcoide consortium with a series of silicone hollow-fiber membrane bioreactors.Contact: [email protected] // 573-544-8838