Emerging Contaminants: Part 2
2.0 PDHsÂ
Many of the chemicals that we use in our homes (such as medicines, hygiene products, and their chemical additives) are present in the environment and they create contamination at wastewater treatment plants, runoff from agricultural and urban land surfaces, and in septic systems. These contaminants are often referred to as “emerging contaminants” and they’re gaining closer attention from the environmental community over concerns or new information about their potential toxicity and adverse effects.
As governmental agencies gain awareness, more research and risk assessments may indicate more action be taken to monitor their presence, particularly in public water systems. This EnviroClass will be taught by John Iannotti and Kate Clark on some of the approaches to treating these emerging contaminants.
John Iannotti, Technical Sales Representative, Pine Environmental
Kate Clark, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Technical Director, Microbial Insights