Chromium and GroundwaterÂ
2.0 PDHsÂ
Hexavalent chromium jumped into the national spotlight 30 years ago when Erin Brockovich sued a utility company for contaminating drinking water with this human health threat. From that moment on, there has been a groundswell of attention and effort to deal with and eliminate this known human carcinogen from the environment. In this class, you will see the risks that hexavalent chromium poses for humans while also hearing about a solution for this contaminant called CleanIt. Deborah Barsotti is the Vice President of Emilcott. She holds a PhD in Pathology/Experimental Pathology from the University of Wisconsin. She has more than three decades’ of experience focused on risk-based solutions for public and environmental health problems with roles as Principal Toxicologist with Wood in Hamilton, NJ and Director of Toxicology at the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) under the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Alex Korff is a Technical Sales Manager with Höganäs Environment Solutions, LLC (HES) with a background in environmental treatment systems. He holds a B.S. and M.S in Environmental Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. Alex has helped to develop the ever-expanding HES soil remediation product portfolio and has worked to optimize water treatment systems.Â
Alexander Korff, Business Development Manager, Eijkelkamp NA
Deborah Barsotti, Ph.D., DABT, Vice President, Emilcott a Triumvirate Environmental Company

Alex Korff is a Professional Engineer and the Business Development Manager for Eijkelkamp North America (ENA). Alex is responsible for the Groundwater and Soil Division Portfolio supplied and manufactured by Eijkelkamp.
Before starting with ENA, Alex was involved with product development and technical sales for Höganäs Environment Solutions, LLC (HES). He has extensive experience with remedial projects and water treatment systems. Alex spent several years as a researcher concentrated on chemical/biological warfare agent, pesticides, and toxic industrial compound (TIC) remediation at the EPA facility in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. He is the co-author on multiple EPA reports, sampling methods, and remediation investigations. Mr. Korff earned a B.S. and M.S in Environmental Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. His thesis was on the treatability of chlorinated solvents with an enriched co-metabolic sludge and dehalococcoide consortium with a series of silicone hollow-fiber membrane bioreactors.Contact: [email protected]
During more than three decades of experience, Dr. Barsotti has focused on risk-based solutions for public and environmental health problems. As a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology, Dr. Barsotti promotes the use of sound science when conducting human health and ecological risk assessments for use in developing strategies and making risk management decisions. Dr. Barsotti is responsible for technical consultation and project management of applied toxicology and risk assessment
She has experience applying risk assessment tools to public health and environmental problems that result in cost-effective strategies. Dr. Barsotti has considerable experience in communicating complex issues of pathology, toxicology and risk assessment to nonscientific audiences, interacting with the regulatory community, and responding to regulatory and legal issues.
She has employed risk assessment in a broad spectrum of projects, including land acquisition and sale, state risk-based cleanups (e.g., Arizona, California, Indiana, Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, New Jersey, Florida, Wisconsin, Montana, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio), CERCLA and RCRA remediation, indoor air problems, natural resource damage claims and litigation support and strategy including toxic tort, product liability, class action and workman's compensation claims.
Prior to joining Emilcott and the environmental consulting sector, Dr. Barsotti held positions in academia (Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science - now University of the Sciences – Assistant Professor in Toxicology and Coordinator of the Toxicology Program), government (ATSDR – Division Director of Toxicology) and private industry (Exxon Biomedical Sciences – Group Head Hydrocarbon Solvents).
Contact: [email protected]Â Â // (609) 638-1039