Using AI to Mitigate Occupational Health Hazards

2.0 PDHs 

Industrial hygiene has been around for centuries. In fact, Hippocrates was the first to document an occupational-related illness. Over time advancements have been made within the field of environmental, health and safety (EHS) for chemical detection and personal protective equipment.
We are only beginning to fully understand the interrelationship between workers, public and environmental health. Ongoing research, innovative technologies, and deeper dives into the potential health hazards of industry are driving change to enhance the livelihood of workers and creating a better environment to live and play.
We are also creating an opportunity to use big data and predictive analytics along with AI and other tools to collaborate with various allied organizations, governments, and decision makers. The outcome could improve worker retention and skills; improve brand loyalty, image and reputation; and improve human performance, productivity, and prosperity for business growth.
Most of the occupational health information is siloed and can be difficult to manage. On this EnviroClass you will learn how MyTERA is using artificial intelligence (AI) to characterize, evaluate and mitigate occupational health hazards along with distributed ledger technology (DLT)/blockchain to authenticate the data bringing more transparency to the EHS professions and communities.



Jeffrey Miller, Founder/CEO, MyTERA
Bernie Fontaine, CIH, CSP, FAIHA, Managing Partner, The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. 
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Jeffrey Miller is an experienced Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional with 20 years of industrial hygiene and safety experience in the construction, nuclear, military, oil and gas, and research industries. 

Jeffrey is the Founder and CEO of MyTERA which is an interactive occupational health/industrial hygiene application that incorporates distributed ledger technology/blockchain and AI to help companies characterize, evaluate and manage their occupational health hazards for a healthier and safer workplace.
Contact: [email protected]
Mr. Fontaine is an AIHA Fellow and has more than 46 years occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) expertise including a wide variety of executive, managerial, administrative, and technical experience with manufacturing, construction, and maritime industries. He specializes in cross-functional and cross-regional teams and has developed and supported complex, multi-year consulting engagements including environmental remediation and brownstone redevelopment projects.
Most recent engagement includes assisting the plaintiff council (1) on the exacerbation of chronic heart disease from exposure to biological agents in the air, (2) slip and fall case at a warehouse, and (3) pancreatic cancer from exposure to a variety of chemicals while at work. He has helped an oil/gas industry customer to construct occupational health and safety risk identification of job descriptions onshore and offshore and providing expert witness testimony in several FELA cases. His leadership skills have driven cost-effective solutions for public and private sectors in areas of risk management, loss control and worker compensation claim, safety system management, occupational and public health, process and product safety throughout the supply chain, ergonomics, indoor air quality, emergency response and training for workers and their supervisors.
Specific industries of expertise include oil and gas refining (onshore and offshore), mining (underground and surface), renewable energy (wind), transmission and distribution; ferrous and non-ferrous foundries; primary and secondary copper smelters; pulp and paper mills; electronic manufacturers; food processors; office buildings and laboratories; maritime (ports and shipyards), maintenance, and repair operations; textile mills; clothing and warehouse distribution centers; fleet transportation operations; site emergency response operations and all phases of construction.
He has worked on transportation and recreational off-duty safety programs (RODS) and as building indoor air quality consultant regarding microbial from flood, storm damage, building design and construction anomalies; identification of odors, insect and animal infestation, and allergic responses to building materials and products. Mr. Fontaine has consulted on the health and safety aspects of multi-million-dollar New Jersey ECRA projects and other site closures, hazardous waste cleanups, environmental engineering and remedial site investigations. Most recent accomplishments include litigation support as a fact and expert witness in diesel fume, asbestos, and dioxin tort cases against several railroads and assisting in providing expert opinion in a multiple toxic tort case involving unhealthy construction activities inside an international airline terminal, microbial exposure onboard an international container ship, and determining cause for brain cancer on an environmental remediation work site.
Contact: [email protected]