Project Optimization – Best Practices to Achieve Reliable Remediation Results

2.0 PDHs 

Are you an environmental consultant aiming to enhance your project feasibility evaluations and remediation strategies? Then this webinar is designed for you!
Consultants are always seeking ways to optimize their projects and maximize their return on investment. Join our panel of experts as they share invaluable lessons learned from over 20 years of experience. They will present three compelling case studies, demonstrating how optimization and collaboration can save clients millions of dollars. Discover how solid design, accurate characterization, and remedy optimization can significantly impact project performance.
Case Studies:
1. Large-Scale Redevelopment Project:
- Learn how combining MiHPT characterization techniques to delineate the treatment plume and optimizing the selected remedial technologies, leads to expedited cleanup of CVOCs and saving the project $2MM
2. Thermal Treatment and Permeability Enhancement:
- Explore the process of thermal treatment of bedrock, followed by permeability enhancement of an existing hydraulic containment system and installation of a PRB, ensuring downgradient protection of receptors.
3. Characterization of Comingled Plume:
- Gain insights from WaterlooAPS characterization of a comingled plume and pilot-scale optimization using in situ soil mixing with varied ISCO ratios for 1,4-dioxane and PFAS.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals and discover how to avoid common pitfalls, leverage best practices, and implement strategies that optimize your projects for better performance and cost efficiency.
Following each case study, there will be an interactive Q&A session where you can engage directly with our experts and ask specific questions and get tailored advice on your projects.



Deborah Schnell, Project Director for Innovative Technologies, Cascade Environmental 
Steffen Griepke, VP of Technology, TerraTherm
Casey Moore, Operations Manager, HRSC, Cascade Environmental 
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Deborah Shaffer (Schnell) is the Project Director for Innovative Technologies at Cascade’s Environmental Construction Division. She is a leading national expert on permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), hydraulic and pneumatic fracturing, and amendment distribution. Deborah has been involved with innovative in situ technologies for over almost 30 years, focusing on in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), in situ chemical reduction (ISCR), in-situ stabilization (ISS) and in-situ mixing (ISM) projects. Deborah works with clients to select the best remedial technology for their sites, based on data presented in their conceptual site model (CSM), project timelines, and budget.
Deborah works with clients whose sites include industrial and retail facilities, military bases, and residential areas as well as Superfund sites with contaminants ranging from chlorinated solvents, metals, and petroleum. She started in the industry—first as a consultant, then as a founder of her own remediation company— and understands the challenges inherent to these projects. With this experience, she is able to forecast potential problems, and address them ahead of time with proper planning and technology selection.
Clients rely on Deborah for everything from project planning support education about the selected technology to overseeing the implementation of the remedy on site. They know her broad skillset and experience enable her to adapt and optimize in the field when the unexpected happens, and that she is still available for questions or reviews after project implementation. Deborah is a valuable resource for clients who need an experienced remediation expert who can work with, explain and manage the latest technologies and strategies.
Contact: [email protected]
Steffen Griepke is the Vice President of Technology at TerraTherm, a Cascade Company. In this role, he helps clients determine if a thermal remedy would work on their project site and, if so, which thermal technology or combination of technologies would be the most cost-effective. He then leads the design of the remedy and guides its implementation, operation, and continued optimization through project completion.
Steffen has spent 20 years working with thermal technologies and has been involved in more than 75 successful projects. They have included sites from former dry cleaners, chemical manufacturing plants, chemical storage facilities, MGP sites, brownfields, military installations, and tank areas. He has utilized all three of the major thermal technologies: electrical resistance heating (ERH), thermal conduction heating (TCH), and steam enhanced extraction (SEE). As an internationally-recognized in situ thermal remediations (ISTR) expert, Steffen also supports his clients in their communication with oversight agencies and regulators.
Steffen’s experience in designing, operating, and using real-time data for optimizing thermal projects makes him an excellent partner for clients with complex sites or recalcitrant compounds.
Contact: (978) 394-9629 // [email protected]
Casey Moore is an HRSC service line leader and Operations Manager at Cascade with 12+ years of experience in the industry. He has managed a wide variety of complex projects utilizing HRSC tools in Cascade’s toolbelt including WaterlooAPS, MIP, OIP, UVOST, HPT & CPT. Casey assists clients and consultants to select the best method for specific contaminant delineation, from which data deliverables are invaluable to efficiently and cost effectively design and optimizing remediation plans.
Casey’s clients manage a wide range of sites including CCR, Air Force Bases, superfund sites, fuel/oil releases, dry cleaners, PFAS sites, landfill leachate and more. Casey also has experience with hybrid drilling methods to ensure HRSC tools, which are DPT driven, can achieve depths required by clients.
Clients appreciate Casey’s expertise in realizing that both subsurface conditions and contaminant distribution can vary from initial CSMs and he advises them on how to interpret the real time data during CSM updates. Cascade is always looking for new innovative technologies to identify and delineate emerging contaminants and meet ever stricter regulatory requirements.
Contact: [email protected]