Project Optimization – Best Practices to Achieve Reliable Remediation Results
2.0 PDHs
Are you an environmental consultant aiming to enhance your project feasibility evaluations and remediation strategies? Then this webinar is designed for you!
Consultants are always seeking ways to optimize their projects and maximize their return on investment. Join our panel of experts as they share invaluable lessons learned from over 20 years of experience. They will present three compelling case studies, demonstrating how optimization and collaboration can save clients millions of dollars. Discover how solid design, accurate characterization, and remedy optimization can significantly impact project performance.
Case Studies:
1. Large-Scale Redevelopment Project:
- Learn how combining MiHPT characterization techniques to delineate the treatment plume and optimizing the selected remedial technologies, leads to expedited cleanup of CVOCs and saving the project $2MM
2. Thermal Treatment and Permeability Enhancement:
- Explore the process of thermal treatment of bedrock, followed by permeability enhancement of an existing hydraulic containment system and installation of a PRB, ensuring downgradient protection of receptors.
3. Characterization of Comingled Plume:
- Gain insights from WaterlooAPS characterization of a comingled plume and pilot-scale optimization using in situ soil mixing with varied ISCO ratios for 1,4-dioxane and PFAS.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals and discover how to avoid common pitfalls, leverage best practices, and implement strategies that optimize your projects for better performance and cost efficiency.
Following each case study, there will be an interactive Q&A session where you can engage directly with our experts and ask specific questions and get tailored advice on your projects.
Deborah Schnell, Project Director for Innovative Technologies, Cascade Environmental
Steffen Griepke, VP of Technology, TerraTherm
Casey Moore, Operations Manager, HRSC, Cascade Environmental