PFAS CleanUp: 2024 Laboratory Challenges
2.0 PDHsÂ
In this EnviroClass you will learn more about laboratory Method 1633 and some of the biggest challenges that we face as an industry as we attempt to clean up PFAS. Our industry revolves around data, because data is everything. The fact is that we are really “shooting in the dark” if we don’t have accurate data.
Michelle Rogow is the Supervisory Environmental Engineer for EPA Region 9, and she oversees PFAS remediation across California, Nevada and Arizona. She will share some great insight into when the EPA will finalize Method 1633 and the MCLs, and what we can expect in 2024.
JP Verheul is a Sr. Chemist at Enthalpy Analytical and he holds a B.S. in Chemistry from the College of William & Mary. He will help you understand more about Method 1633 and even some new methods for short chain analysis.
Michelle Rogow, PE, Manager of the AZ & Federal Facility Section, US EPA Region 9
JP Verheul, Technical Sales Manager for PFAS & Ultratrace, Enthalpy Analytical

Michelle Rogow is a Supervisor in the Federal Facilities and Site Cleanup Branch in the Superfund Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 in San Francisco, California. In this capacity, she manages a team of remedial project managers who are involved in site cleanup primarily in Arizona and California. Under her guidance, her team both overseas and undertakes PFAS and emerging contaminant investigations and cleanups. Ms. Rogow serves as the PFAS and emerging contaminants Lead for Region 9’s Superfund Program and is a member of the Federal Facilities Leadership Counsel, of which PFAS is a primary priority.
Ms. Rogow has worked in EPA’s Superfund Program for over 32 years, as a manager in the remedial program and as an On Scene Coordinator assessing and responding to oil and hazardous substance releases in California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands. She has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering with concentrations in geology, hydrology and ecology from Drexel University and is a licensed professional civil engineer in California.Contact: [email protected] // (415) 972-3082Â
Mr. Verheul is a Senior Chemist and the Business Development Manager for Enthalpy Analytical, LLC’s environmental laboratory in Richmond, VA. He holds a B.S. in Chemistry from the College of William and Mary, and has more than 18 years’ experience with analytical chemistry for environmental samples. Currently, Mr. Verheul works to evaluate market trends to help optimize analytical programs, and routinely supports complex projects from various industries, including solid waste, landfill gas and biogas, commercial and industrial wastewater monitoring, drinking water supply, air emissions, site assessment and remediation, and emerging contaminants.
Contact: [email protected]Â // (804) 467-1691Â